Photo of jade rollers and gua sha tools on a wooden tabletop - these tools exist to help you get healthy, glowing skin at home!

Cosmetic acupuncture is all about creating healthy, beautiful skin from the inside out.

Acupuncture always looks at the body in a holistic way – meaning that we’re considering your health as a whole, instead of looking at only one organ system or symptom.

During a series of cosmetic acupuncture treatments, there are a few things that I ask my patients to do to help improve their results.

Today I want those share these simple but super powerful skincare tips with you.

You can practice these tips at home for more beautiful skin, even if you’re not getting cosmetic acupuncture!

Please note: These tips are for those who are healthy with no underlying or chronic health conditions. They’re not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease and are shared for educational purposes only. (But you knew that already.)

1. Increase your lean protein and Vitamin C intake.

Protein and Vitamin C are essential for the repair of damaged collagen and the creation of new collagen.

Your body needs these resources – they’re important building blocks for collagen!

I usually recommend at least 60 grams of protein a day for healthy females. You can increase your protein intake by including an extra chicken breast daily, for example. Or you can take a collagen peptide supplement (I like this one and this one).

An easy way to increase your Vitamin C intake is to add the juice of half a lemon to a glass of room-temperature water and drink it every morning before your coffee.

2. Exercise regularly.

Regular exercise improves blood circulation throughout the body, including the skin of the face.

Blood contains oxygen and essential nutrients which not only give you an immediate glow post-exercise, but which are necessary for your skin to repair and rebuild.

3. Get more high-quality sleep and learn to manage your stress.

No amount of serum or makeup can outdo the dull skin caused by lack of sleep and chronic stress!

However you choose to manage your stress (yoga, journaling, acupuncture, therapy, meditation, etc.), practice it regularly to keep stress hormones low. This is essential for healthy skin that LOOKS healthy.

4. Drink more water.

Generally I recommend dividing your body weight by two, and drinking that number in ounces of water a day. So a 140-lb woman would try to drink 70 ounces of water every day.

Water helps flush out stagnant lymph fluid in the skin. The job of the lymph system is to collect and eliminate the leftovers of cellular breakdown (among other things).

Drinking adequate water helps sweep away impurities so they’re not lingering in the skin.

5. Increase your intake of colorful veggies, which are full of antioxidants.

Antioxidants helps neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals in the skin.
Free radicals occur from any harmful chemicals in the environment, like pollution or skincare products that include parabens or phthalates.

6. Massage your face regularly.

Wake up your skin! You can use your hands (be sure to massage in a gentle, upward motion), a gua sha stone or a jade roller.

The goal of self-massage is to maintain good circulation and lymphatic drainage of the skin. It really does work! Aim to practice self-massage on the face 3-4 times a week.

7. Wear sunscreen every day.

This is perhaps the most important rule after eating enough protein.

UVA rays directly damage collagen in the skin, contributing to wrinkles. And they go through clouds. So you must wear sunscreen every day, regardless of the season or the weather.

These two sunscreens (one and two) are my personal favorites:

I hope you try these tips to help you get smooth, healthy skin at home!

If you have questions about cosmetic acupuncture, please don’t hesitate to email me at, or contact us at (607) 2116-8112 [Texts are welcome].

And if you want more all-natural skincare product recommendations, sign up here for my free guide. It includes everything from face wash to lip gloss – have fun!

Click to download the free PDF, All-Natural Skincare Product Recommendations from a Cosmetic Acupuncturist

All my best,


Seneca Falls Acupuncture

(607) 216-8112   |

Proudly serving Seneca Falls, Waterloo, Auburn, Skaneateles, Canandaigua, Geneva, Weedsport, and the greater Finger Lakes region since 2019.